Monday, April 2, 2012

Tyler, Trayvon & the Trouble with Hate Crime Laws

Bill Keller, NY Times
IN 2009 President Obama signed a federal bias crimes law named for the victims of two gruesome 1998 atrocities: the young gay man who was tortured, lashed to a fence and left to die; and the black man chained to the back of a pickup by white supremacists and dragged until he was dismembered. The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act joined a 40-year accumulation of statutes declaring that crimes committed with a mind full of racial spite or anti-Semitism or homophobic hatred should be punished more severely than identical crimes committed for greed or...

Dianne Feinstein Orrin Hatch Joseph Lieberman Mitch McConnell Gabrielle Giffords

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