Saturday, June 30, 2012

ObamaCare Is a Fraud Only Voters Can Stop

Wesley Pruden, Wash Times
Now the fun begins. Nothing can fire the anger of an American like the arrogance of a government lawyer with his foot on the throat of a helpless citizen, and the justices of the Supreme Court are the government lawyers with the biggest feet of all.The justices sent a message loud and clear in their decision upholding Obamacare and the requirement that everybody has to buy a health insurance policy, or else. That's a tax, the court held, and the power to tax is the holiest of holies for any government. It's the first rule of politics as well. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the father of the...

China Presidential Elections Republican Candidates Herman Cain Mitt Romney

Bending Toward Universal Health Care

Skocpol & Jacobs, New York Times
IN finding the Affordable Care Act constitutional, a narrow majority on the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., has surprised almost everyone. The decision is a victory for the century-long struggle to ensure basic health coverage for virtually all Americans, and it sets the nation on a path toward more rational, cost-effective ways of delivering care. These will be the eventual outcomes "” but months and years of fierce political battles lie ahead.Although the court upheld the act, President Obama's signature achievement to date, there were...

Harry Reid Barbara Boxer Dianne Feinstein Orrin Hatch Joseph Lieberman

Failed Bombings in Thailand, India Indicate Weaknesses in Iranian Espionage

Mitt Romney John Huntsman Rick Perry Michele Bachmann Newt Gingrich

A Win for the Constitution

Randy Barnett, Washington Post
The legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act, which I advocated as a law professor before representing the National Federation of Independent Business as a lawyer, was about two huge things: saving the country from Obamacare and saving the Constitution for the country.On Thursday, to my great disappointment, we lost the first point in the Supreme Court’s 5 to 4 ruling to uphold the health-care law. But to my enormous relief, we won the second. Before the decision, I figured it was all or nothing. But if I had been made to choose one over the other, I would have picked the...

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Longtime lawmakers Charles Rangel, Orrin Hatch win primaries

Sen. Orrin G. Hatch and Rep. Charles B. Rangel, two longtime lawmakers who saw their careers imperiled by the shifting political winds, cruised to primary victories Tuesday night despite stiff challenges from younger upstarts.

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Dianne Feinstein Orrin Hatch Joseph Lieberman Mitch McConnell Gabrielle Giffords

Wisconsin recall: How does 2012 electorate stack up?

With new exit poll numbers released just before poll close in the Wisconsin recall election, this interactive now allows you to compare the new data with those from the 2006 and 2010 gubernatorial elections, and the 2004 and 2008 presidentials. The 2012 numbers will be adjusted as subsequent waves of data are released. Expect the numbers to move.

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U.S. urges China to respect Internet freedom after Bloomberg Web site is censored

American officials urged China on Friday not to censor its Internet after the government blocked access to the Bloomberg News Web site. The Chinese government had denied Web access to the financial news agency after an investigative article on massive wealth amassed by relatives of Xi Jinping, the man expected to become China’s president.

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Politics Delays the Inevitable In South Korea-Japan Security Pact

Orrin Hatch Joseph Lieberman Mitch McConnell Gabrielle Giffords Nancy Pelosi

Friday, June 29, 2012

Senegal Protests Fueled by Youth, Fired Up by Music

Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton John McCain Ron Paul Rand Paul

Wisconsin recall: How does 2012 electorate stack up?

With new exit poll numbers released just before poll close in the Wisconsin recall election, this interactive now allows you to compare the new data with those from the 2006 and 2010 gubernatorial elections, and the 2004 and 2008 presidentials. The 2012 numbers will be adjusted as subsequent waves of data are released. Expect the numbers to move.

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Herman Cain Mitt Romney John Huntsman Rick Perry Michele Bachmann

The Good Shall Triumph in the End

Al Sharpton, Huffington Post
By all accounts, Thursday was a momentous and notable day. The Supreme Court of the United States upheld President Obama's Affordable Care Act, thereby paving the way for millions of Americans to obtain insurance coverage, and millions of others to remain on their plans without fear of being kicked off for simply becoming ill. After decades of working to push for health care reform, progressives saw this President and his signature legislation become the literal law of the land.But June 28th will also be remembered unfortunately as the day when a sitting Attorney General of the United...

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Romney raises $2 million off SCOTUS decision

Romney raised millions off the health-care decision, Mike Pence went over the top, Obama learned the wrong news from CNN and the House voted to hold Eric Holder in contempt.

Make sure to sign up to get “Afternoon Fix ” in your e-mail inbox every day by 5 (ish) p.m!

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For health care, little has changed. Nothing is settled.

The big news today is that little has changed. The Affordable Care Act remains the law of the land. The individual mandate remains as part of it. The Obama administration will continue working to implement it. And yet, somehow, nothing is settled.

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Dianne Feinstein Orrin Hatch Joseph Lieberman Mitch McConnell Gabrielle Giffords

Roberts’s health-care decision stuns many but is in line with his outlook

When he was up for confirmation to the Supreme Court, John G. Roberts Jr. famously compared his job to an umpire in baseball, making sure that everybody plays by the rules.

“But it is a limited role,” Roberts added. “Nobody ever went to a ball game to see the umpire.”

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